Colombian delegation visits Aberdeen

Following a successful visit to Colombia, Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce is welcoming a delegation from Barranquilla to Aberdeen later this week.

Membership director Liam Smyth visited the port city in September to address an audience of business people and while there, signed a memorandum of understanding.

Barranquilla aims to become the centre of operations for the Caribbean region’s developing offshore oil & gas industry. Last year, the Kronos well – drilled in a joint venture between Anadarko and Colombia’s state oil company Ecopetrol – verified the presence of hydrocarbons in ultra-deepwater of the country’s south Caribbean area and confirmed the potential of the petroleum system in the region.

Now the Barranquilla Chamber of Commerce and a number of its members are visiting Aberdeen on Thursday (Nov 3) to develop contacts in the oil and gas industry as part of a trade mission led by Colombian Minister of Mines and Energy, Germán Arce Zapata.

The previous visit was arranged to discuss the reasons that lie behind Aberdeen’s decades of successful oil & gas exploration and production, and the innovation and expertise that underpin the industry today.

Mr Smyth spoke about how Aberdeen transformed itself from a fishing port to the oil capital of Europe, and how its global focus has translated into its ambition to become the energy capital of Europe.

He said he was looking forward to the visit: “I am really looking forward to repaying the hospitality that was shown to me during my recent visit to Colombia, which is an interesting place going through a period of transformation.

“They were incredibly interested to hear how Aberdeen led its growth from humble beginnings to take advantage of economic and geographic potential and grasp opportunities.

“Working together has benefits for both cities and the memorandum of understanding is an important step in forming a successful and profitable relationship from which the cluster of expert companies that we have in offshore operations can benefit.”

Colombia is the third largest oil producer in South America after Venezuela and Brazil and has experienced a dramatic rise in energy production since government reforms in 2003.

Its crude oil production doubled in the last 10 years to a millions barrels a day, although the country has been impacted by the global drop in crude oil prices.

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