To ensure that the CLAN Landmark Walk is a safe and fun event, CLAN requires over 300 marshals and volunteers to help on the day. Without the help and support of volunteers, the event simply can't go ahead.

Last year, over £50,000 was raised for CLAN through the Landmark Walk.


Duties could include covering junction points, ensuring walker safety, handing out refreshments, or giving out goody bags and medals at the finish line.

Times and location

Various shifts are available, starting between 9am and 12pm, with shifts lasting approximately 4-5 hours.

As the route is across Aberdeen City it is split into 13 zones. Once allocated, marshals will be told which zone they are in and where their meeting point is.

Group/corporate support

If you are volunteering as a group of 5 or more, CLAN will ensure that your company or organisation into the event's participant programme as a "Sticker stop" meaning that the walkers will know your company/organisation are supporting the event through volunteering.

CLAN will also create signage to put up in your Zone on the day.

CLAN's commitment

Because CLAN rely on volunteers for this event, the charity is committed to giving volunteers the best experience possible.

There will be a pre-event briefing for all volunteers as well as another briefing on the day.

Each volunteer will receive an event t-shirt to wear on the day. Snack packs are also provided.

All volunteers are welcome to attend the Event Village in Westburn Park after their shift to celebrate with the walkers.

To find out more about CLAN's landmark walk, visit, phone 01224 647000, or email

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