City Deal official sign off welcomed

Conservative group leader on Aberdeen City Council, Councillor Ross Thomson, has today welcomed a £250m UK City Deal which was officially signed off today at Aberdeen Town House.

Councillor Ross Thomson joined the Secretary of state for Scotland David Mundell MP and Parliamentary Under-Secretary of state for Scotland, Andrew Dunlop, on their visit to Bibby Offshore to discuss the real opportunities for North-east subsea companies to benefit from a newly signed Memorandum of Understanding between Pemba in Mozambique and Aberdeen City.

Following this visit the Aberdeen UK City Deal was officially signed off by the Secretary of state on behalf of the UK Government at Aberdeen’s Town House.

Councillor Ross Thomson said:

“Today’s signing of a UK City Deal for Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire is fantastic news. This is a major cash boost for the region which will help support the long term future if our industries and help us in addressing the current challenges in the oil and gas industry with an ever falling oil price.”

“I’m proud that Scottish Conservatives here on Aberdeen City Council, with the tremendous support of Ruth Davidson, have played a strategic in critical role in not only building the region bid but securing the coalition of support needed to make it happen.”

“With UK Government support confirmed some time ago I’m pleased that the Scottish Government have stepped up to the plate too. Today’s announcement is a great start with huge boosts to innovation, digital connectivity and our wonderful life sciences.”

“It’s disappointing that some of our city’s elected representatives have misjudged their comments today. As Sir Ian Wood pointed this UK City Deal is unreservedly positive for our City and her industries. Today marks the revitalisation of the North-east of Scotland.”

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