The chief executive of Grampian Housing Association has been elected to the policy council at Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce, to represent the views of housing providers.
Neil Clapperton was elected by members of the Chamber and will serve for three years.
The policy council is made up of organisations from across the North-east and serves to represent all sectors and ensure members’ views on topical issues are heard at all levels of government.
Council members support the Chamber’s policy process by contributing their views at meetings, engaging with the policy team and attending Chamber ministerial events and functions.
With more than 3,500 homes under management and a turnover of £18million, Grampian Housing Association is a leading provider of housing and related services across the three local authority areas in the North-east of Scotland.
Neil believes his new role affords an important opportunity to influence decision makers.
“I am honoured to have been elected to the Chamber’s policy council,” he said. “Earlier this year and with the support of the Chamber, Grampian Housing Association joined forces with Castlehill and Langstane Housing Associations and Aberdeenshire and Moray Housing Partnerships to launch the North East Housing Manifesto, with the aim of increasing pressure on the Scottish Government to build more affordable homes to help rebuild the economy here in the North-east.
“Many working households currently have little chance of their needs being met by social housing, including key workers in the NHS and people employed in industries such as tourism and hospitality, which are critical to the continued growth of the economy.”
“Being a key part of the policy council will provide a platform to ensure the views of housing providers are listened to at the highest level.”
Neil Clapperton joined Grampian Housing Association from Angus Council in 2005, where he led a diverse section covering private sector housing strategy, local housing strategy, private and public investment programmes, service development and policy, research, quality assurance, and customer participation.
He holds a degree in Construction Management and has been a Corporate (qualified) Member of the Chartered Institute of Housing since 1992.