Work on the central section of Union Street between its junction with Union Terrace and Market Street with the installation of a new bus gate is to be finished today.
Cameras have been placed at the western and eastern ends of the central section where only local buses and cycles will be permitted to enter.
Vehicles - other than buses and cycles - will not be allowed to use the central section as a through-route. Taxis will have access to central Union Street via Back Wynd.
The work also means the bus gate on Union Street near Sports Direct which was installed as part of the Spaces for People measures for CV19 has been removed.
Motorists will be able to drive again on that bottom section of Union Street turning left down onto Market Street, and from Market Street turning right up onto Union Street.
Aberdeen City Council Co-Leader Councillor Ian Yuill said: “The reopening of the central section on Union Street is to be welcomed.
“We look forward to seeing local service buses use that central section again.”
A traffic order which will allow the changes to take place stated that access to Union Street for vehicles for the purpose of loading adjacent to properties, or servicing properties, will be permitted between 4.30pm and 11am, and entry will be by way of Back Wynd.
The traffic order includes that a Pedestrian and Cycle Zone will be established in the Belmont Quarter - Back Wynd, Belmont Street, Little Belmont Street and Gaelic Lane. Blue badge parking will also be established there.
For the purpose of vehicles loading adjacent to properties, or servicing properties in the Belmont Quarter, access will be permitted between 4.30pm and 11am, while access will be retained at any time to properties that have established vehicular accesses to off-street areas. These are the same access arrangements and times for the Belmont Quarter which have been in place for approximately two years.
There will be traffic management restrictions put in place to direct traffic through the Belmont Quarter and a section of Little Belmont Street will be closed to motor vehicles.
The traffic order states that vehicles on Union Street will be prohibited from turning right onto Diamond Street. The traffic order also states it will be experimental so as to allow the City Council to modify or vary the scheme at short notice once in force should circumstances require.