Leading property consultancy CBRE, acting jointly with Kenny Lyon Consulting, has secured three new tenants at Hareness Trade Park in Altens.
The trio of lettings to Eurocell, Element Materials Technology and CityFibre is on the back of a £1.5m investment by the landlord to extensively refurbish the terraced industrial units.
Iain Landsman, associate director at CBRE said, “The downturn in the Aberdeen property market has created an oversupply of vacant industrial units. Occupiers have a greater choice than ever and it’s important for landlords to invest in their properties in order for them to be in ‘ready to walk in’ condition.”
“On the back of our advice the landlord has invested substantial sums of money to extensively refurbish the units at Hareness Trade Park and it’s great news that we can welcome Eurocell, Element and CityFibre to the estate.”
Eurocell, one of the UK’s leading manufacturers, distributors and recyclers of UPVC products, has taken Unit 10, extending to 3,951 sq ft, on a ten year lease. The unit represents the company’s second property in the Aberdeen area, with the new unit targeting clients located to the south of the city.
World leader in material testing and product qualification testing, Element Materials Technology, has acquired Unit 11 on a five year lease. The 5,191 sq ft unit is the second facility in the area for the company following its move from Dyce to Altens earlier this year.
CityFibre, the UK’s largest alternative provider of wholesale fibre network infrastructure, has signed a 20 year lease on Unit 9 extending to 3,991 sq ft, and is due to take occupation in Summer. The company is moving to Aberdeen following its strategic partnership with mobile phone giant Vodafone which will see the company installing Aberdeen’s new fibre network.
Amy Tyler, surveyor at CBRE added: “The refurbishment works on the remainder of the vacant units on the estate are due to complete shortly and we are in active discussions with a number of occupiers. The space available provides flexible warehouse and office accommodation across a range of sizes from 4,000 – 12,000 sq ft and we can offer competitive rents on flexible terms.”
CBRE and Kenny Lyon Consulting acted jointly on behalf of the landlord. Eurocell was represented by Harris Lamb, Cluttons acted on behalf of CityFibre and CBRE for Element Materials Technology.