Capital team takes on Rob Roy Schiehallion's Shadow

On the June 18 2016 the Capital Document Solutions Rob Roy team will undertake the Schiehallion’s Shadow, raising money for The Martin Currie Rob Roy Charitable Foundation.

The challenging Schiehallion’s Shadow comprises a 16 mile “walk” from Pitlochry to Kenmore followed by a 56 mile cycle from Kenmore to West Loch Rannoch and back to Kenmore.

The Martin Currie Rob Roy Charitable Foundation is run by staff of the Edinburgh-based investment management business. Their main event is the Martin Currie Rob Roy Challenge which is held annually in June and since it was launched in 2006 it has seen hardy entrants raise almost £3m for a variety of worthy charities. It is now one of the most successful fundraising events held in Scotland.

The Rob Roy Challenge annual charity partner for 2016 is Mercy Ships. With the 2016 Martin Currie Charitable Foundation (MCCF) the charity partners include Breast Cancer Now, Cyrenians, Maggie’s, Marie Curie and Mercy Corps.

Mark Harvie said: “We are thrilled with the level of support that we have received from family friends and colleagues and we hope that the fundraising will make a difference to the charities who will benefit from this year’s event”.

At the end of the strenuous day the Rob Roy Challenge is followed by the KenMhor Festival and this year they have teamed up with Monchyle Mhor. The festival will include food & drink, music, kids entertainment, a market and to end the day their legendary fireworks display commences at 10:30pm

Donations can be made via Capital Solutions' Justgiving page.

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