The Scottish Government is urging businesses to partner with credit unions to offer payroll deduction to employees.

Business Minister Fergus Ewing states: “Payroll deduction schemes can help employees have regular savings and affordable borrowing, and we urge businesses to partner their local credit union to arrange this free employee benefit.”

This initiative is supported by Nicola Sturgeon, who adds: “I am urging employers to get in touch with their local Credit Union to establish a payroll deduction relationship, with a view to improving employees financial health and boosting the productivity of Scotland’s businesses.”

Ruth Leith of Grampian Credit Union says: “We are based in Aberdeen and offer our savings and loans services to anyone living or working anywhere in the Grampian area. "We currently offer payroll deduction at no charge to almost 30 local organisations and businesses, and want many more employers to join us and offer payroll deduction as a free benefit to their employees.

"Our latest employer partners include VSA, Glencraft and CHAP Group, and we offer our services to large organisations including NHS Grampian, and small companies including Befriend a Child."

Contact Grampian Credit Union to find out how easily payroll deduction can be arranged. Full details can be found at

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