North-east employers looking to recruit fresh talent are being invited to attend an event aimed at oil and gas workers facing redundancy.

Businesses from all sectors of the economy have the chance to exhibit at the free event, being held at Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen on June 22.

The event is the fourth to be organised by the Scottish Government’s initiative for responding to redundancy situations, Partnership Action for Continuing Employment (PACE).

Three jobs fairs held last year in the city attracted more than 2200 people who had either been made redundant or were facing redundancy.

Skills Development Scotland (SDS) is co-ordinating the event in conjunction with a number of key partners including the Department for Work and Pensions.

Calum MacLean, PACE manager at SDS, said: “Previous events held in Aberdeen have been greatly valued by both employers attending to advertise vacancies and individuals who have attended looking for work.

“The profile of individuals to have attended has varied widely from those from an engineering background to others with a range of roles such as finance, IT, marketing and admin.

“We’re therefore keen to hear not just from employers from energy and related sectors, but from businesses right across the economy who would benefit from face-to-face contact from motivated job seekers looking for a new career.”

As well as offering information on local job vacancies, the event will feature information and advice from a number of public sector agencies on areas including job hunting, careers advice and training opportunities.

Download the Event Registration Form

For businesses who wish to advertise vacancies but are unable to attend in person, vacancies can also be advertised at the event.

Download the Vacancy Form

Employers can also e-mail for more information.

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