Business community gather to 'Meet the Interns'

The University of Aberdeen Project SEARCH team hosted members of the local business community at its latest Meet the Interns event last week (Tuesday, November 10).

The event also gave attendees the opportunity to see a new online took-kit which has been launched. This new resource allows employers to gather information about the benefits of employing a Project SEARCH graduate and the financial incentives and other support mechanisms which are available to ensure their sustained employment.

Project SEARCH is a collaborative project between the University, Aberdeen-based charity Inspire and North East Scotland College. The one-year programme sees 12 Project SEARCH Interns, who are all registered students with North East Scotland College, spending a month in a classroom environment before embarking on internships in various roles and departments within the University.

The event also provided an opportunity for employers within the local community to meet the 2015/16 cohort of Interns and to become involved in the programme, either as a Mentor or by delivering a workshop in their area of expertise. A ‘Question Time Panel’ provided an interactive forum where employers could engage with the Project SEARCH team to dispel some of the myths and identify ways to overcome the obstacles which can face the Interns in seeking and sustaining employment.

Professor Neva Haites, Vice Principal for Development at the University of Aberdeen, said: “Our Interns undertake an exciting journey within the University during their time with us and I know that they can benefit local organisations in so many ways. I appreciate that employing young people, particularly those with a disability, may seem daunting to employers. However, by producing this guide, we aim to provide local organisations with the additional guidance and support they need to encourage them to welcome our Interns as valued members of their teams.”

More information on Project SEARCH can found at

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