Public pledges towards a legal challenge against the bus gates in Aberdeen city centre hit £15,000 over the weekend.

Veteran trader Norman Esslemont is looking to raise £35,000 to support a potential court battle against the traffic measures, which have been described as "incomprehensibly stupid" by a former member of the SNP-Lib Dem coalition which introduced them.

This morning, that total stands at £15,471 thanks to the 326 people who are backing a legal effort being led by top law firm Burness Paull.

Mr Esslemont has hired Alasdair Sutherland, the same lawyer who took on Highland Council’s plans to introduce similar traffic bans in Inverness.

After reviewing the Aberdeen case, Mr Sutherland said the matter is “challengeable in court” and warned councillors of the consequences of their decisions.

You can view the crowdfunder page here.

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