The British and Irish Association of Law Librarians (BIALL) is pleased to announce the award of Professional Studies Bursaries to Agnieszka Dyzma and Rose Hubbard. Each will receive a contribution of £5,000 towards postgraduate course fees.
This award, first announced in April 2015, is granted to support a BIALL member undertaking postgraduate library/ information studies in the UK or Republic of Ireland. Successful applicants for the BIALL Professional Studies Bursary must be Personal or Institutional BIALL members, and must already have applied for a postgraduate study place. Recipients of the award are also required to complete one of more options from: writing a legal-themed dissertation; contributing article(s) to BIALL publications; conducting research on behalf of BIALL; and/ or publishing their dissertation on the BIALL website.
Agnieszka Dyzma graduated with a BA (Hons) in Art History and a BA in Russian Studies, and her career in libraries to date has been predominantly within the academic sector. Particular interests in legal research and a desire to develop a career in Librarianship have led Agnieszka to the postgraduate Library and Information course at Robert Gordon University. Agnieszka said, “I’m thrilled to have been awarded the BIALL Professional Studies Bursary. This bursary will allow me to study for an MSc in Information and Library Studies at Robert Gordon University in order to qualify as a law librarian. I’m grateful to BIALL for the opportunity they’ve given me.”
Rose Hubbard studied Modern and Medieval Languages (French and Spanish) at Peterhouse, Cambridge, graduating in 2014. She then spent a year working in France before taking up the role of Graduate Trainee Librarian at Lincoln’s Inn, and will be undertaking her postgraduate study at the University of Sheffield. Rose said, “I am, naturally, delighted to have been awarded this bursary. Thanks to BIALL’s generosity, it will be much easier for me to continue on in my progression towards becoming a fully fledged law librarian. Having already enjoyed the support and training which the BIALL community has to offer, I look forward to becoming an active participant of the BIALL community throughout and after my studies.”
Katrina Lancaster, Chair of BIALL’s Awards & Bursaries Committee, added, “In only the second year of this award, we are delighted to be supporting two very able candidates in their postgraduate studies. Both are already showing themselves to be valuable assets to their profession and we’re proud to assist them in achieving their ambitions.”