'beautify the bid' week - volunteers needed
Date: Monday July 25 - Monday August 1
Time: All day
Venue: Aberdeen City
Cost: Free
Following on from the success of the recent “24 Clean Up/#fiveforfriday” campaign, in partnership with Aberdeen City Council, and ahead of exciting times for the city centre, including Aberdeen Inspired’s “Summer of Art” and judges from Beautiful Scotland arriving in August, Aberdeen Inspired are asking for your help to tidy and beautify the BID area.
The “civic pride” element of Aberdeen Inspired’s work on behalf of 700 + businesses can only be done by your generous help. So, please donate some time from Monday, July 25 to Monday, August 1 – and let’s make the city sparkle!
Below are the jobs that the organisation are looking for help with. If you – or your business – can provide ONE HOUR of volunteer time, let Aberdeen Inspired know your preferred “task”, plus your day and time of availability. After which, they will put you into their timetable, and get back in touch with you.
Volunteer Opportunities available:
A member of Aberdeen Inspired staff will be on hand to help. Estimated length of project, for two people, in brackets.
- Weeding and litter-pick at carpark on corner of Huntly St/Union St (2hrs)
- Weeding and pruning of planters at Loch St & Harriet St (1hr)
- Planting up three new planters for George St/Loch St area (1hr)
- Wildflower strips, Bridge St (2hrs)
- Weeding and pruning of planters at College St (1hr)
- Planting of area near BT Building
- Planting of area to side of Trinity Centre, ie Wapping St, (3hrs)
Aberdeen Inspired have won the BID Category of Beautiful Scotland for the last two years – this year they're aiming to make it “three in a row”. One of the key areas is “Environmental Responsibility”, recycling, litter, cleanliness, etc. Even if you are not able to offer volunteering hours on this occasion, could you please make an extra-special effort to keep your business frontage and pavement spick and span on Tuesday, August 2 – Judgement Day!
Feel free to send any pictures of you and your colleagues taking part to info@aberdeeninspired.com so they can be shared on social media pages to celebrate the event!
Aberdeen City Council and Aberdeen Inspired are jointly funding a Deep Clean in the city centre at the end of July. So, it’s all hands on deck, and Aberdeen Inspired would love you to be part of the action.
Having done great things with many volunteers before, they'd love to see what you can do this time.
Contact Angela Joss, Project Manager 01224 566291 or email angela.joss@aberdeeninspired.com