Award-winning charity Sport Aberdeen seeks to help individuals who have a fear of water to overcome their worries through its new Aquaphobia programme for adults.

The aim of the programme is to help people relax, float, and feel happy and in control when in the water, reducing any concerns they may have in a safe and careful way.

Participants will enhance their confidence and learn the basic principles of entering, standing, floating, moving and breathing in the water through a 12-stage process.

The whole process focuses on removing and desensitising fear, with the physical mechanics of swimming coming as secondary.

Certified Aquaphobia Coaches will lead the programme – six Sport Aberdeen swimming teachers have completed their Aquaphobia Learning Programme (ALP) training, developed by The Institute of Aquaphobia.

When an individual has completed a stage, they will progress to the next in the sequence but at a manageable pace set by the person, there is no specific timescale or pressure.

The desired outcome is that participants will feel uplifted and comfortable in the water after obtaining key swimming skills, and then be motivated to undertake swimming lessons on a more regular basis.

The Aquaphobia sessions will run during term time on Tuesdays from 1430 to 1530 at Sport Aberdeen’s newly refurbished venue, Get active @ Northfield.

Adults who are ready to overcome their fear of water are encouraged to apply for their place on the programme here.

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