The team behind the delivery of Aberdeenshire’s latest planning blueprint for future development has given an update on its progress.
The 2016 update of the Aberdeenshire Action Programme was published online last week. (April 1)
It identifies actions which will help implement the policies and proposals of the emerging Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan 2016 (LDP) and demonstrates how the council is working with its partners to implement these.
It is a legal requirement to publish such a document every two years, but Aberdeenshire Council has decided to do it annually.
The Action Programme, a “live” document, has been prepared to support the delivery of the Proposed LDP 2016.
It is intended to be periodically refreshed to reflect progress and provide the latest position on sites allocated for development when information becomes available.
It has been prepared in consultation with key agencies and the development industry and provides a snapshot of the most up to date position at the time of publishing.
You can see the document on Aberdeenshire Council’s website at:
For further information on the Action Programme please contact the Delivery Team at Aberdeenshire Council: