Councillors have backed ambitious plans to half Aberdeen’s carbon emissions by 2030.
The new strategic framework, Powering Aberdeen, was approved unanimously at Full Council on Wednesday (May 11).
The plans set out aspirations, commitments and targets as to how Aberdeen can significantly decrease carbon emissions and become a leading sustainable economy in the UK.
It also allows the local authority to submit applications for essential funding and investment grants to help fulfil the programme.
Aberdeen City Council has already embarked on an ambitious programme of sustainable capital projects.
Significant investment has been set aside for projects such as the £120million Energy for Waste facility which removes the need for landfill, £3.8million in a digital strategy which will improve energy management, £17million on new overcladding and window replacement projects which saves 500 tonnes of carbon each year in Seaton alone as well as £5.8million in new insulation measures to reduce energy inefficiency.
Aberdeen City Council Communities, Housing and Infrastructure Committee vice-convener Councillor Jean Morrison said: “Powering Aberdeen will build on and grow the many projects already taking place in Aberdeen that are supporting reductions in emissions, improving efficiency and in turn improving the quality of life for Aberdeen citizens as well as attracting significant investment.
“Our heat and power network has helped alleviate fuel poverty for many families and individuals in the city and with the proposed development for a new energy centre – we will be able to extend this project further for more citizens and for businesses.
“This programme has already helped to reduce carbon emissions by 40% from the housing complexes.
“The strategy will ensure that Aberdeen is at the forefront of exploiting new technology, will improve the health and wellbeing of all residents due to improved air quality and support the diversification of the economy through growth of renewables and alternative transport models.”
Powering Aberdeen is now seeking to engage with stakeholders across the city in order to support the transition to a sustainable energy future. The 50% target is based on city-wide emissions so business, education, citizens and communities will all play their part in achieving reductions.
The consultation on Powering Aberdeen runs until the end of June. The plan is available online.
A copy of the plan will also be available to view from the Sustainable Development team at Marischal College.