AGCC member, Aberdeen International Associates is leading a trade mission to Guyana in the week of Monday, November 28 and is now accepting applications from organisations that might be interested in visiting the market to learn about current/future projects, and engage with prospective partners/clients via a series of group sessions and site visits.

The agenda will include meetings with government representatives, IOCs, Drilling Contractors, EPC Contractors, Service companies, key business support organisations, professional service firms and local companies as well as visits to Port facilities, training centres etc. based on the objectives of the mission group.

This mission will be suited to representatives from all aspects of the energy sector supply chain (both oil and gas and renewables), training and education organisations, consulting firms and project developers/investors.

Companies travelling to Guyana with the delegation will also have the opportunity to attend the Caribbean Energy, Oil & Gas Summit taking place in Trinidad the following week at a discounted rate.

AIA Managing Director Neil McIntosh explained:

‘Guyana is undergoing transformational change as a result of the rapidly developing Oil and Gas sector – since 2015 there have been discoveries amounting to a total resource of approximately 11 billion barrels of oil equivalent and that is expected to keep rising as drilling activity continues apace.

With the first two projects now in the production phase, the IMF has forecast that GDP is expected to grow by almost 58% in 2022 but that is only the tip of the iceberg as there have been 33 discoveries to date in the Stabroek Block alone. The government has expressed a desire to recover their resources as cleanly as possible and are also interested in international expertise that can deliver renewable energy projects to maintain Guyana’s net zero footprint.

There are significant opportunities for the global supply chain related to these upcoming projects and to develop long term partnerships with local companies – having visited Guyana twice already this year it is clear that many different countries are becoming increasingly active in the region so we’d like to support companies from Aberdeen and the North East that can benefit from our in-country connections and help them access the market.

We are delighted to have the support of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry with this initiative that can help build on the strong relationships that have already been established between Aberdeen and Georgetown in recent years’.

The recruitment window will be open until Friday, November 11– please contact Neil McIntosh for further details and an application form via

AIA International Trade Mission to Guyana

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