Hang on to your hat!!

On Sunday September 18, under the expert supervision of a professional climbing team the general public will be the first to ever abseil down Ashgrove House at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, a historic venue adjacent to the main hospital entrance.

This event is to raise funds for a little known but important charity which helps make a visit to the hospital a little less daunting – Grampian Hospitals Art Trust.

Launched in 1985, GHAT was originally known as The Aberdeen Hospitals Art Project and established by a team of local clinicians and artists led by Mr. Norman Mathieson, an eminent surgeon at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary. The Aberdeen Hospitals Art Project officially became a Trust on 7th February 1991 and was renamed as Grampian Hospitals Art Trust. For over 30 years, GHAT has improved the buildings and spaces of NHS Grampian by the installation of a wide range of artwork.

Artists Pester and Rossi will be the next exhibition in the Suttie Arts Space and have designed special T-shirts which will be given to anyone who raises over £120. There will, (of course) be medals for all who complete the Abseil.

The Healing Environment: For thirty years GHAT has worked with the NHS to improve our hospitals with original art and design to create a more welcoming and comfortable environment. The collection started with 100 artworks which has grown to the present collection, the largest in a healthcare setting in the country. These artworks are displayed and rotated across 115 hospital venues in the North-east.

Changing exhibition spaces including the newly opened ‘The Suttie Art Space’ which is the first purpose built art gallery in an acute hospital in the UK. It has been open for less than a year but already has become a huge asset to the Foresterhill site, providing a peaceful refuge for patients, staff and visitors alike. GHAT also programmes a smaller exhibition space in the original GHAT gallery in ARI within a well used waiting area.

Artroom: GHAT currently runs four Artroom projects which works directly with patients and families. The projects are designed to enhance wellbeing by providing specifically designed arts sessions for participants. These projects have a therapeutic and rehabilitative benefit to people; it can help build self confidence and compliment medical treatment. GHAT provides Artroom sessions at Royal Aberdeen Children’s Hospital, Roxburghe House, Royal Cornhill Hospital and Woodend Hospital.

Acumen Financial Planning has supported GHAT over a number of years and is pleased to be supporting this event, with some of the team taking part on Sunday September 18.

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