Yesterday marked World Homeless Day – a day which serves as a reminder of the hurdles and challenges faced by many around the world in unsafe and unstable housing situations.
This year the day feels even more important, with Aberdeen City Council having declared a housing emergency last month. The day should also be used for recognising the achievements and efforts of many fighting to end homelessness.
Aberdeen Foyer has been on a mission to end youth homelessness and prevent and alleviate the impact of poverty on young people and adults across North East Scotland for almost 30 years. They do this by delivering training, guidance and help for people by working alongside them, letting them identify their goals and aspirations.
Last year Aberdeen Foyer worked with over 2000 people across Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire, aiding them into employment, with their finances, education, confidence and housing. Of those 2000 people, 271 received direct housing support, along many other types of support. This wraparound support ensures people have access to resources to build confidence and self-awareness, ensuring access to opportunities they might need to achieve their goals in life, find their purpose and feel valued.
Aberdeen Foyer believe there is no limit to what people can achieve in their lives.
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if you want to support Aberdeen Foyer’s mission.