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An aspirational report reaffirms Aberdeen City Council’s commitment to its citizens.

The refreshed Aberdeen City Local Outcome Improvement Plan (LOIP) 2016-26 was endorsed by the City Council’s Strategic Commissioning Committee.

Launched in 2016, the Local Outcome Improvement Plan 2016-26 identifies how Community Planning Aberdeen – a multi-agency partnership – will work together to ensure Aberdeen is a place where all people can prosper, regardless of their background or circumstances.

The refreshed LOIP reflects a refocus of the partnership on priority issues, which were identified from data available from the Population Needs Assessment, Partnership performance data, City Voice and data from improvement activity.

Through early intervention and prevention, the Partnership aims to support future generations to be prepared for school, work, parenthood and life itself.

The refreshed LOIP has been structured around three strategic themes of Economy, People and Place and 15 outcomes that the Partnership aims to achieve by 2026.

The LOIP also details the multi-agency improvement projects, which the Community Planning Partnership believe will help secure these improved outcomes for the people of Aberdeen.

Particular attention will be paid to care experienced children, young offenders, children of offenders and those living in poverty – because their levels of risk of poorer outcomes are higher than other children and young people of their age.

The LOIP is underpinned by three Locality Plans, which translates the citywide vision into a meaningful plan for the city’s most disadvantage communities.

Aberdeen City Council is a key community planning partner and its corporate aims are aligned to the Local Outcomes Improvement Plan.

Aberdeen City Council’s co-leader, councillor Jenny Laing, Convener of Strategic Commissioning Committee, said: “The endorsement of the refreshed Local Outcome Improvement Plan highlights Aberdeen City Council’s continued commitment to the delivery of the shared vision of Aberdeen as a place where all people can prosper.

“The new LOIP is more ambitious however these aspirations are achievable through partners working together to take an early intervention and preventative approach to tackle key issues. Our focus is on creating opportunities for all citizens in Aberdeen to flourish and thrive particularly our most disadvantaged families and communities.”

The refreshed LOIP 2016-26 will now be considered for approval by the Community Planning Aberdeen Board on February, Tuesday 26, 2019.

To measure the success in delivering this refreshed Local Outcome Improvement Plan for the city, the Community Planning Partnership will receive quarterly progress reports.

Community Planning Aberdeen consists of: Aberdeen City Council; ACVO; Aberdeen Civic Forum; North East Scotland College; Police Scotland; Scottish Fire and Rescue; Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership; NHS Grampian; NESTRANS; Skills Development Scotland; Scottish Enterprise; and Active Aberdeen Partnership.

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