Homes and commercial properties across Scotland will benefit from the establishment of a new £300million fund supporting the development and roll out of zero emission heat networks.

Zero Carbon Buildings Minister Patrick Harvie announced the new Heat Network Fund at a visit to the Queens Quay heat pump and heat network project.

The fund will support projects where the heat for individual properties is supplied from a communal source.

Though common in other European countries, there are fewer examples currently in Scotland but those in place typically link up homes, schools, workplaces and other buildings.

The new fund takes over from the Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme and is part of the overall £1.8billion committed over the course of the Parliament to decarbonise how we heat our buildings.

Scotland’s Heat Network Fund is open to all public and private sector applicants. Proposals can be submitted to the fund at any time. This fund will remain open to proposals with quarterly reports to be provided with committed spend against the allocated budget.

Projects seeking support through Scotland’s Heat Network Fund should complete the expression of interest form and provide this to The project lead will then be contacted within 10 working days by a member of the Heat Investment team to have for a preliminary discussion.

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