Main Contact: Susan Hartley
“…our aim is to provide outstanding, independent, environmental consultancy
leading to practical, innovative and relevant solutions
for customers around the world…”
Founded in 1998 to provide independent environmental consultancy to regulators, the energy and other offshore industries and conservation bodies, Hartley Anderson Limited has established a solid and enduring track record.
Our Directors each have more than 25 years of experience of the environmental assessment, management and monitoring of offshore energy developments and operations. The company is actively involved in marine and environmental science in advisory and field director roles. This enables us to identify gaps in current understanding, technology and techniques leading to the development of imaginative solutions and collaborative initiatives.
The environment is at the heart of what we do, but enthusiastic and dedicated people are the means. Our highly qualified and multi-disciplinary team of consultants bring together a wide range of skills and have experience of providing support within the UK and internationally. In addition to our consultant team, we have a network of associate consultants providing complementary skills and experience.
Based in Scotland, with strong IT infrastructure and good travel links we are well placed to respond to customer requests, wherever they are.