Your local marketing partner

YOU might not think too much about where you choose to go out for dinner, it might be for convenience or cost, or because they do the type of food that you like.

However, there should be one more thing you take into consideration when going out for your next meal – whether it supports local businesses and the community.

This is exactly what the Buy North East campaign wants people to start thinking about.
It aims to put local procurement on the business agenda in the region, supporting local business and the North-east community.
The campaign launch, held at independent restaurant Rye and Soda recently, stressed the importance of buying locally to help the Aberdeenshire economy.

Millions of pounds are spent every year by Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire organisations in the private, public and third sectors with companies based elsewhere in the UK or further afield, meaning that the money does not circulate in the local economy.

Buy North East aims to persuade businesses in the North-east to spend more of their money locally and deliver an economic boost to the region.

Since the campaign launched, there has been a real buzz about buying local and a number of North-east business have signed up including XIC, AbSafe and Entier Ltd who are all supporting local business with small and simple changes such as stocking up on local supplier, Deeside Water.

This is an exciting campaign as it is a great way to build awareness of independent businesses in the North-east and make a difference to the health of the local economy.

Genoa Black is delighted to be part of this campaign and we realise that even changing one supplier to someone local can make a massive difference.

Since launching in 2013, Genoa Black has been proud to support local suppliers in the North-east, using businesses including Compass Print for our printing needs, Minto for corporate merchandise and even start-up craft spirit producers, Porter’s for our thirsty Thursdays!

One of Genoa Black’s favourite lunchtime spots in Aberdeen is So… and it makes it all the more worthwhile knowing we are supporting business in the North-east.

With a strong understanding of the challenges facing small business and SMEs in the region, part of our strategy at Genoa Black is to work with local suppliers, engage with the local Chamber and support local businesses.
In an ever-increasing challenging business landscape, inward investment is essential to protect existing commerce, create new jobs and encourage growth in the regional economy.

Genoa Black will be working with our clients to promote and engage with the Buy North East campaign, encouraging them to consider their suppliers and to start ‘thinking local’.

The success of this campaign is dependant on the business community as a whole and we are proud to be a part of this strategic initiative.

If you would like to hear more about how Genoa Black can help you with a strategy to ‘think local’ or need some support for your own local business, please get in touch