As the business landscape becomes increasingly competitive, businesses in the Highlands and Islands and the North-east are turning to AdSmart from Sky to ensure their advertising messages are reaching the right audiences.

AdSmart from Sky is an innovative advertising platform that uses sophisticated targeting technology to deliver relevant advertising to specific households. By using data and insights to target specific audiences, businesses can ensure their advertising is seen by the people who are most likely to be interested in their products or services.

Many businesses in the Highlands and Islands have already seen the benefits of using AdSmart from Sky. The platform allows them to target their advertising to specific areas, demographics and interests, making it easier for them to reach their ideal customers without wastage.

Neil Hampton, General Manager at Royal Dornoch Golf Club saidThe number of people visiting our website to view the package on offer and the number of people following through to purchase, has been something we’ve been delighted with for the amount of money we’ve spent. One of the main selling factors for the group is the way you can target exactly the type of people you want to purchase - including the locations you want the ad to be played out. We felt we were getting a real benefit from using AdSmart.”

AdSmart from Sky is also cost-effective for businesses, with campaigns starting from just £3,000. This means that even small businesses can benefit from the platform and compete with larger companies in the area.

“AdSmart from Sky has been a game-changer for our business," said Simon Kelman, Managing Director Simon Kelman Plumbing in Inverness. "From the moment our first Ad went live our phone didn’t stop ringing. It has definitely increased our brand awareness, with people seeing us on TV and then seeing our vans about town and we are really pleased with the number of enquiries for boiler installations as well as bathroom renovations. We have never been so busy.”

AdSmart from Sky is also uniquely placed to target B2B. Ryan Crighton, Marketing Director at Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce recently ran a B2B campaign using AdSmart.

“The leads we generated from the Sky AdSmart campaign converted at a higher rate than any others received during the campaign. We attribute this to the fact we were able to target decision makers directly and drive enquiries from the upper tiers of management with organisations in our region” Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce estimates that return on investment was 489%.

The North-east of Scotland and the Highlands and Islands have a unique business landscape, and AdSmart from Sky allows businesses to tailor their advertising to specific audiences. With its cost-effectiveness and targeting capabilities, it's no wonder that many businesses in the area are turning to AdSmart from Sky to promote their business, especially when budgets are stretched.

As a sponsor of the Ultimate Masterclass Festival event Pushing the Boundaries of Advertising on April 18 at Aberdeen Arts Centre, David Sanderson Director of Adsmart UK will be joining the panel for Q&A and giving a short presentation to compliment the event.

Tickets are available from

Or for more information on how to utilise Adsmart from Sky for your business in the North-East Contact Sharon Asher at or 07970 171529.