#TUBS2016 - The Ultimate Business Show

DID you spot #TUBS2016 trending on your Twitter feed yesterday?

I would be surprised if you didn’t because The Ultimate Business Show 2016, aka #TUBS2016, Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce’s first event of its kind, promoting and celebrating commerce in the North–East of Scotland, truly did live up to its name.

Showcasing a plethora of businesses, as well as providing engaging and informative seminars from top industry professionals such as Ed Brooke from the Leith Agency, Martin Little from The Press and Journal and Adele Chessor from VisitAberdeenshire, the event was a roaring success for both attendees and exhibitors.

I have been to many an event throughout my relatively short time in the marketing working world, with the majority being very similar to the last one and the one before the last one.

However, The Ultimate Business Show was different, it wasn’t that it was bigger, flashier or even busier than other events (although it was very busy) but the fourth most influential Chamber in the UK, really did manage to influence me in more ways than one.

The number and variety of exhibitors demonstrated a brilliant cross section of the Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire business mix: from small businesses like cake company O’Caykx to recruitment professionals at People Traction, start-up challenger brands like Fierce Beer to leading wealth management advisors like Mattioli Woods.

Being a rapidly growing strategic marketing consultancy, it was inspiring to see so much potential and growth in the diversity of business sectors being represented.

However for me, the real added value of the event was the numerous 30-minute seminars by industry leaders on thought-provoking and engaging content.

At Genoa Black, we often speak to our clients about the value of thought leadership, the benefits of hearing from industry professionals and developing brand ambassadors.

And yesterday proved that we are completely right to do so.

Out of the six seminars throughout the event, I listened to four and I can honestly say in each one I took something away with me, whether it was a piece of industry insight, a top tip or simply some motivation.

Hearing from industry professionals on content you may already have inkling about or actually even know already, cements that piece of insight in your mind.

Thought leadership is a powerful way to deliver considerable value to others but it is also one of the most effective business development methodologies for professional services firms.

  • Are you looking to drive business development within your business through thought leadership?

Read more on the Genoa Black website, or get in touch with the author Sarah Low.