In Scotland we are proud of our salmon, it comes second only to Whisky in terms of the annual value of exports.
However this growing Industry relies heavily on diesel generators to pump food to fish. Diesel has of course harmful CO2 emissions and needs to be phased out, but with what?
Solar energy solutions first come to mind however salmon is generally only farmed in cold waters in northern latitudes where sunshine is limited for half the year. Solar also suffers badly from corrosion in a marine environment. Shore-cable is another option, but this is becoming cost-prohibitive considering grid constraints in the West Coast of Scotland in particular. In addition, the industry is moving more and more offshore due to lack of inshore site availability.
Aquaculture fish farming is likely to be one of the main sources in the future of protein for human consumption due to declining fish stocks at sea and the pressure on meat farmers to comply with CO2 targets. The aquaculture sector has seen ongoing 20% annual growth according to the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Department, meaning new and larger fish farms are continually under development. Therefore, it is important to find a clean energy solution for this sector.
The ZOEX wave energy converter can be mounted directly onto feed-barges, replacing CO2 emitting diesel generators and providing a clean, reliable and robust energy source. The ZOEX can also be installed in a variety of different locations, such as breakwaters, harbour, Offshore Wind turbine mono-piles where its patent-pending double link arm mechanism act as a gearing mechanism to enhance the effectiveness of the Power Take off system, generating more energy. ZOEX has the potential to revolutionise the way in which wave energy can be harnessed in small sea-states and be utilised to create cost-effective clean energy, replacing the use of CO2-emitting generators in off-grid locations.
ZEOX launch event
The first ZOEX device was commissioned at Port of Aberdeen on June 24, 2024 – an exciting milestone for this progressive Company.
This was celebrated on June 27, 2024, with a Launch Event where respected representatives from Industry and Government had the opportunity to witness first hand whilst the device was working.
ZOEX has deliberately sought to reduce technical risk by using proven components. For example. the Ball-screw Electro Mechanical Generator used, was sourced from the UmbraGroup SpA., an Italian manufacturer with a strong track record in serving the Aerospace Industry, originally developed with the help of funding from Wave Energy Scotland.
ZOEX has teamed up with Sealand Projects Ltd., a formidable Engineering House in Aberdeen with vast experience in offshore installation of Oil &Gas and Renewable Energy Projects. Sealand Projects’ Engineers carried out the detailed design and developed the concept into reality with seamless project management, procurement, fabrication, installation and hook-up of the first ZOEX unit.
The founder Ash Penley is an award winning business woman from Aberdeen, UK who has won a number of high profile entrepreneurial awards and funding including AccelerateHER in Clean Tech, Climate and Net Zero award, Scottish Enterprise Unlocking Ambition Award, and the Shell Start-Up Engine. She is a female founder in a male-oriented marine renewable energy sector and from a different ethnic background, and her success in bringing ZOEX to market demonstrates not only her tenacity and resilience, but also shows that Scotland offers equal opportunities to all.