Russia: sanctions or opportunities?

THE Russo-British Chamber of Commerce (RBCC) is looking forward to visiting Aberdeen on Friday, September 30 to participate in a lunch ‘n’ learn event, focused on business in Russia, at the Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce.

Despite a turbulent last couple of years politically, the imposition of sanctions, the drop in value of the rouble and other factors that the Western media focus on in criticizing Russia, the fundamentals of the market and its attractiveness for UK producers of high-quality goods and services have not gone away.

At the event, we give a realistic assessment for attendees – why is Russia still an interesting and dynamic market?

What are the key sectors?

What are the particular challenges and how can exporters deal with them?

Who can help and advise?

All these issues, and more, will be addressed in a positive and convivial atmosphere.

The RBCC officially came into existence on October 23, 1916, which all will recognize as a turbulent time – not only in terms of global events, but also in Russia itself.

Yet the optimism displayed by those who set up the Chamber has proven to be well-founded. This year is our 100th birthday.

The RBCC has survived changes in government and political systems, major global conflicts and at times (including recently) somewhat strained diplomatic relationships between the UK and Russia, and is enjoying its centenary in good health.

Our key roles are to encourage and help business people in both countries to find trading partners and investment opportunities and to represent the interests of our members, who number about 400 and range in size from very large corporates to individual entrepreneurs.

We are proud to have a bilateral structure and ethos.

Our offices in London, Moscow and St Petersburg are staffed by English and Russian-speaking teams with extensive experience of helping those trading and investing in both directions.

We provide up-to-date advice and market-entry support over the telephone, in meetings, through the website, a quarterly printed Bulletin and e-newsletters.

Topical events, ranging from informal networking evenings to full-scale conferences, are regularly organised in all three locations and the Chamber also reaches out into the UK and Russian regions to provide information and guidance on market approaches.

The RBCC is independent of government, but enjoys good productive working relationships with the British Embassy and consulates in Russia, UKTI / DIT, the Russian Embassy in London, the Russian Trade Delegation, the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry and many other business organisations.

  • Trevor, Matt Proudman (commercial manager at RBBC) and Isabella Craft (business development manager) are attending the Doing business in Russia event on September 30. Trevor is sharing a stage with Shaun Riordan of Aurora. Come along to find out if you could be exploring opportunities in the Russian sector.