I know that many of our fellow Chamber members will understand how compressed air systems are utilised across the operational phases of oil and gas. And having come across a range tools - from winches to impact wrenches - that rely on compressed air as a power source I surmise you will also likely have familiarity with the Ingersoll Rand brand.

However, did you know that from right here in Aberdeen, MB Air Systems - an Ingersoll Rand company - is also enabling a multiplicity of businesses across sectors as diverse as the food and beverage sector, pharmaceuticals, energy production, wastewater, and aquaculture to operate safely, efficiently, and effectively?

From our bases here in Aberdeen, as well as Glasgow, Inverness, Newcastle, and Southampton, we provide compressed air, nitrogen systems, winch and hoist, power tools and product finishing systems across the world. As an Ingersoll Rand company this local knowledge and presence is backed by a NYSE listed organisation with a proven history of delivering mission critical industrial solutions.

Our compressed air products and services provide real-world examples of transferable technology. Of course, we continue to support our clients across oil and gas, but we are also working on innovative and exciting projects for craft beer and confectionary producers, fish, and wind farms, and much more.

For many of these, our services extend beyond systems powered by compressed air to the provision of ‘active air’. This is when air comes in direct contact with a product; for example, during food production and when used for these purposes, the air must be clean, dry and contaminant free. Class 0 is the most stringent quality class established by the International Standards Organisation (ISO) and for these clients, Class 0 is required to meet industry regulations and ensure product quality and consumer safety.

Across food and beverage production compressed air is used at every stage. From moving products through the production process, enabling consistent distribution (making sure your biscuits have an equitable share of chocolate chips), ‘air’ peeling and cutting fruit and vegetables, to moving and bottling liquid products and packaging. Linked to this and further up the supply chain, compressed air is a vital resource and tool in fish farming, where it is utilised for water aeration, controlling contamination, and enabling cleaner, gentler and more efficient feeding and harvesting.

Similarly, did you know that compressed air plays an integral role in the running of pharmaceutical production lines? It is used in a range of applications such as tablet production and coating, mixing and holding, product filling, packaging and bottling.

Across these sectors, we are very proud that our products and services are reducing expensive downtime by preventing spoilage and product recall due to harmful contaminants.

Our low-pressure blower products also play a critical role in the wastewater industry, where our innovative technologies and solutions continue to improve efficiencies and reliability. With services extending beyond traditional maintenance, our holistic approach to compressed air utilises our expert team to deliver site audits, leak detection and energy analysis surveys.

Indeed, across all the sectors we support, including oil and gas, reducing downtime, creating efficiencies, and improving safety are where we add value to our clients. Through our experience and innovation, our products and services are enhanced by industry leading expertise - designed to make your life better.

At MB Air Systems we are self-confessed compressed air obsessives, but we hope that this insight into the use of our products and services in sectors beyond what you may have expected has been of interest.

To learn more about MB Air Systems, drop me a note at dtritton@mbairsystems.co.uk.