Now that another festive period is all wrapped up, many of us will return to the office, facing the new year with a mix of trepidation and curiosity about the technological surprises it might bring.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made the headlines - figuratively speaking. A seeming uncertainty for all, with the dawn of a new AI era.
The perception is copywriters have an a, b, c, d in their bunnet about the use of AI threatening their very existence. This ludditeness attitude could be warranted as many businesses could be looking to ‘scrooging it’ post-Christmas; due to the cost-of-living crisis looming ominously.
The Writing's on the Wall-E; Hasta La Vista AI
Two classic films, Wall-E and The Terminator, explore futuristic narratives of AI. Wall-E, an animated movie, features a small robot cleaning up the mess caused by humans. Terminator, a sci-fi film, portrays a robot sent back in time to eradicate human existence.
Do we see AI as Disney’s cutesy Wall-E or as terrifying as the Terminator?
The similarity between the two is that they become sentient beings able to think, love, and, um, kill. Okay, so those are two extreme examples. However, it's not that far from the truth of how we view AI. Is it a helper or destroyer?
Opinions on AI are divided - some praise its use, while others wince at the very thought.
However, a client or customer should ask this question. Why should I pick a copywriter over AI?
Here are things you should mull over:
Good content
You don’t want samey, smarmy, salesy copy or what I call ‘smalesey’. That’s what you get, and what do you get in return? Sweet nothing. It's just marketing gobbledegook - a bore-chore that lacks quality.
I dare you to use ChatGPT to inject humour into your content. You’ll just get dad jokes. The jokes in Christmas crackers have a better chance of getting a laugh. Although to be fair, sometimes you get the sheer genius of the fortune-telling fish that crumples in your hand. Honestly.
Crafting clear headlines that resonate with the purpose of your content can be tricky. However, with a creative copywriter, you will have an expert at your disposal.
Call To Action (CTA)
A good writer can understand the audience and devise an effective Call To Action without relying on the same old (AI) trick. CTAs should be clear, direct, and decisive.
You don’t have to do the work
Ok, so you’ll have to pay a copywriter. A small price for having a creative edge in your marketing and promotional endeavours. You can oversee a project like Sauron’s Eye (sorry for the Lord of the Rings reference) or get involved with the creative process as much or as little as you wish, without having to deal with the boring research stuff.
Supporting a business network
This is important. The old scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours. Copywriters, like many humans, like to interact and see how you tick and work together.
We all enjoy a good yap and a fly cuppa, and building relationships makes business fun. They can collaborate with various businesses and agencies, some specialising in specific niches. Teaming up with other creative professionals such as marketing and social media experts makes your content sing while understanding and improving your business goals.
Are you sure you want to lose that? The UK economy's backbone is its small business community, which accounts for a mind-boggling 99.9%. Yowsers.
Final thoughts
Copywriters might not make you millions, but give your web copy, blogs, and emails, a snowball’s chance by investing in one.
SEO is not about keyword stuffing akin to how many Cadbury's roses you might have scoffed at Christmas. The articles and blogs are crafted, to go with the flow and read easier.
It’s unadvisable to have a gazillion words per article, Copywriters are strategic wordsmiths and content creators. If you’d like a rockstar (insert groan) copywriter, perhaps you’re suited to AI content.
I’m all cooled out. AI or not to AI, that’s up to you.
I’ll let ChatGPT4.6234345 have the final word. ‘I’m not a complete replacement for the expertise and creativity of a human copywriter.’
Happy New Year (written by a Scottish human)
James of Envisage Copywriting - Turning ideas visible.
An accredited copywriter, who earned a distinction grade from the College of Media and Publishing. Providing cost-effective copy, I can help you with blogs, web copy, newsletters, press releases, slogans and emails. And more, just ask.
I'm a great believer in collaboration, and my (virtual door) is always open for a natter.
To find out more about what I offer and how I can help contact