IN THESE trying times of "lower for longer", it can be tempting to sit in stasis.
Pressure from above and a pessimistic outlook can put some in a foetal position, waiting it out until the good times come back.
But what if this is our new normal?
What if this is where we are and it isn't going to change significantly anytime soon.
Businesses still need to be nurtured, goals need to be achieved and growth has to be found wherever it lies. We still have to sell what we do.
In challenging times - especially in challenging times - it is vital that all businesses communicate with their customers in an open and authentic voice.
There has never been a more opportune time to build your brand, refine how you promote your business and how you share the value of what you offer with others.
But surely it's the same as all other times, what's so "opportune" about now?
A competitive market can be disrupted at any time - this has never been more apparent than now.
Being agile and adapting to the needs and wants of your clients or customers is even more critical in challenging market conditions.
So, forget spelling out the technical specifications or the breakdown of features.
Look for the different answers that clients may be looking for.
- What will it do FOR ME now?
- How will it make my life easier?
- How will it make me look good to my boss?
- Why you? I SAID WHY YOU?
Change can be an intimidating word when your your instinct is to keep your head down and not risk it.
So getting a new prospect to change how you communicate "your service/product" is difficult.
Your message and what will make your market stand up and take notice have to be in sync.
It all starts from a simple question - What and where is your value to your clients?
Every department across the entire business structure will have a different answer, so consensus is essential above all else (and if anyone uses the words innovation, global or professional, fire them! - a company should evoke these words, and not need to say them).
This is where your overall brand and marketing strategy comes in.
When a prospective client visits your website or experiences a presentation - do they recognise themselves instantly?
I need that
They know my problem
That will save me time/money
Seems obvious doesn't it?
But when times are tough, there can be a tendency to throw everything at a problem, not knowing what works and what doesn't.
Creating a big marketing soup where no one flavour can be discerned.
What if you to strip it right back, be straightforward and simple to understand.
Less waffle. More authenticity.
Whether creating a new brand position or developing a more relevant sales and marketing toolkit, promoting what you do in the framework of where your "true" value lies should be the very foundation upon which your marketing strategy is built.
Keep it simple, be provocative and where possible show it, don't just tell it.
This is how we at FortyTwo Studio help our clients - keeping their brand fresh and relevant to their business goals.
Drop me an email or pop in for a coffee and see if we can help you help your business, brand first.