AS A decline in oil prices continues to present challenges in the North-east, charities across the region have seen an increasingly demanding situation when it comes to support.
Historically local businesses and Aberdonians have been extremely generous towards local charities, but the last couple of years have seen corporate fund-raising in particular decline for most third sector organisations.
As oil and gas companies face severe cutbacks, charitable giving is often one of the first to go.
In 2012, the Charities Aid Foundation and the National Council for Voluntary Organisations warned that charities were facing a "deeply worrying" financial situation due to the economic downturn.
Locally, previously successful fund-raising events have struggled to sell out and, over the last couple of years, many local charities have been forced to cancel events.
On a brighter note, Scots are more generous than people in the rest of the union.
In 2013, the average Scot gave £356 to charity each year – a third more than Londoners.
The third sector is vital to our communities.
Charities are not a luxury to enjoy when times are good. Charities, social enterprises, social groups all make a direct impact on the growth of Scotland’s economy, the wellbeing of its citizens and the improvement of its public services.
North East Sensory Services (NESS) works in partnership with local authorities to provide vital services to visually and/or hearing impaired people in the North-east.
The services we provide – social work, rehabilitation, advice about mobility, communication and living skills support – are vital to the lives of our service users.
In addition, NESS provides a wide range of "added value" services including a library service, a gym and a young people’s service, which are fully funded from charitable giving.
At NESS, we have an open door to our service users, who can pop in for help with their specialist equipment to help them live more independently, advice on using adapted information technology, or to learn lip-reading.
The support we receive is our lifeblood.
NESS has some exciting events coming up and we hope you will be able to support us. Firstly, we have a bike ride on September 4, at Chapelton.
This event has been moved to a new venue at the fabulous new town of Chapelton, and has become a real family event with food, drink, music and more at the finish line. for tickets and more information.
And Aberdeen Football Club fans will no doubt be interested in our lunch on Friday October 28, where we are bringing together stars of the 1976 AFC Scottish League Cup winning squad, including Joe Harper, Willie Garner, Drew Jarvie, Dom Sullivan, John McMaster and Stuart Kennedy.
Contact Neil Skene on 01224 793954 or for tickets.
In 2015, 84% of Scottish households used a charity – if you haven’t had support from a charity yet the likelihood is you will at some point in your life.
So if you are thinking about leaving a legacy, coming along to one of our events or making a donation, your support is greatly appreciated.