Travel and Tourism GDP is set to grow on average by 6.8% annually between now and 2032, outpacing the growth of the overall economy, according to World Travel and Tourism Council.

What does this mean for tourism and hospitality businesses of the North-east?

The tourism sector is moving at speed and as the industry strides forward following some difficult years, the time is now to be agile and to embrace new opportunities.

Supporting development of tourism in the North-east is at the heart of VisitAberdeenshire’s work, and its flagship business support programme - the innovative Game Changer for Tourism Businesses - has just opened for applications into the 2023/24 edition.

Twelve businesses can join Game Changer, now in its sixth year. Since its inception in 2018, more than 50 businesses have benefited from the programme developed and offered by VisitAberdeenshire and Opportunity North East.

The programme helps businesses identify target markets, understand consumer needs and supports businesses to tailor services to reflect the experiences that visitors seek. Participants leave with a growth plan to implement into day-to-day operations.

More importantly, businesses graduate with a deeper understanding and expanded knowledge of the local and national tourism support network available to them, as well as a tight-knit group of fellow graduates. Alumni of the Game Changer programme have said the programme has equipped them with skills, knowledge and confidence to drive their business forward.

This region is synonymous with innovation and entrepreneurship and the more tourism businesses that take part in the annual programme only further strengthens the region’s product offering for visitors.

For more information and how to apply, see the link here: